Monday, October 7, 2013

Adventures afuera de Salamanca

The one-month anniversary of my time here in Salamanca has come and gone (what?) and since being here we've been lucky enough to get to venture outside of our cozy little city to see a bit more of Spain. We took an amazing four day trip, stopping in Ávila, Toledo, Madrid and Segovia about three weeks ago. And last weekend we took a day trip up to the Río Duero, the river that is the natural border between Portugal and Spain, and visited some smaller surrounding towns. Counting my blessings that I picked such an amazing program that has these trips planned down to the minute. All we have to do is show up, hop on the bus with our favorite driver, Jose Luís, and we're off (with wifi...always a bonus)!
A few highlights from each of the places we have visited:

Best memory: climbing and exploring the old wall of the city (pictured below)
Picture perfect
Friends on the wall

Such a tourist...
Valle de los Caídos
A massive monument built by Franco as a tribute to/resting place for thousands of soldiers who lost their lives during the civil war. Built on a mountain, the views are beyond breathtaking and the behemoth of a cross can be spotted from kilometers in any direction (so euro with my units). At its core, a controversial place because it is a functioning church and also the resting place for Franco himself. Political pilgrimage to visit former dictator coupled with a place of worship, therein lies the controversy.
 The cross
Breathtaking view
We crammed a lot into our relatively short stay in Madrid. El Escorial, El Palacio Real, the Plaza Mayor (Salamanca's is prettier...), The Reina Sofia, The Prado and a famous desserteria for churros con chocolate. Not to mention free time milling about the city and experiencing la vida en Madrid. Safe to say that I am officially a small town girl (there's a first time for everything) thanks to my time here in Salamanca and I wouldn't have it any other way.
A view from El Escorial
  A camera shy Palacio Real
What hits you first is the jaw-dropping overlook of the city. At first glance, it didn't even look real. "The city of three cultures." Named as such for the peaceful coexistence of Muslims, Jews and Christians within its walls, Toledo is a charming city, rich in history. Complete with an incredible gothic Cathedral, friendly locals and hole-in-the-wall artisan shops around every corner, our day in Toledo was nothing short of an absolute joy.
Fun fact: Toledo is famous for its sword-making and all of the swords used in the Lord of the Rings movies were made in Toledo...does it get any better?
The overlook
Amigas at the overlook :)
The Cathedral
Our last stop before our return to Salamanca. Most notable for the Roman aqueduct running through the middle of the city, Segovia did not disappoint. Standing in front of this massive architectural and engineering feat, you wonder how is it even possible to build something like this. After our fair share of pictures of and with the main attraction, we lunched as a group at a local restaurant. The local dish of choice is a roasted baby pig. And when I say baby pig, I mean the whole thing. Ears, tail, cute little face. This could only topped by the fact that there literally is a tradition that consists of chopping the poor thing in half using a plate and then shattering said plate on the floor. This also happened...shout out to my friend Linnet for performing the ritual. Afterwards, we stopped by El Alcazar and then were headed back to Salamanca.
The aqueduct
 In front of El Alcazar
El Río Duero
A quick day trip up to the Río Duero which forms a natural border between Portugal and Spain. What started as a scenic boat ride ended in violent wind and rain. We made a few stops in small towns on the way back to Salamanca and to say that it was absolutely pouring would be an understatement...the rain was miserable, but we made the most of it!
 One side Portugal, one side Spain
Pre-wind and rain
And so it began...
 No explanation even needed
The whirlwind of an experience that this trip has been has yet to let up and I'm loving every second of it. Off on our next adventure this Thursday up to the northwest of Spain. More to come.
"It is in all of us to defy expectations,
to go into the world and to be brave
and to want, to need, to hunger for adventures,
to embrace change and chance and risk,
so that we may breathe and know what it is to be free..."

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