Monday, September 23, 2013

When in as the Spanish do

Hola amigos! Bienvenidos, otra vez, a mi blog!
Today marks the beginning of week four here in Salamanca. Still having a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that I'm living here. I was expecting things to settle into a routine here after a week or so, but Spain continues to keep me on my toes. And I am absolutely loving every minute of it.
Since I last posted, the festivals of Salamanca have come and gone, we have finished our two-week crash course to Spanish culture, climbed to see more breathtaking rooftop views of Salamanca, attended a traditional bull fight, took an incredible four day trip to Ávila, Madrid, Toledo and Segovia (a separate post is coming for this trip alone), visited some of the most famous architectural and historic sites in Spain, attended our first Spanish movie (beyond mentally exhausting), sat 11th ROW at a Real Madrid soccer game and have begun classes at the local university (yes, I actually am going to school...barely). With this sheer quantity of activity comes exhaustion, but I try to remind myself daily to push through and make the most of every moment. Opportunities like these truly are once in a lifetime.
 Quickly approaching the one-month marker of my time here in Salamanca, the hours, days and weeks have flown by. But when I stop to reflect on my time spent here, one phrase in particular jumps out at me: an open mind. Whether it's trying a dinner course that actually scares you (pasta soaked in squid ink topped with baby eels...) or attending a bullfight, Spain reminds me daily of the benefits you can reap by approaching life with an open mind. In stepping outside your comfort zone and trying new things, I have found firsthand, that you can learn a surprising amount about yourself and the type of person you hope to one day be. Even though I may never fully understand or appreciate life the way the Spanish do, I can confidently say that I will leave this place forever changed.

Highlight reel weeks 2 and 3:

View from the apartment of the festival fireworks

Rooftop at Las Torres de la Clerecía

 View from balcony at la Clerecía

La corrida de Torros

El matador

Our view at the Real Madrid game

Cheesin' so hard because our seats were AMAZING

Another post coming soon detailing our amazing four-day trek through Castilla y León, highlights including the stops in Ávila, Madrid, Toledo and Segovia and visits to The Prado, El Palacio Real, El Alcázar and much, much more.

 "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all..."

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